Kit katukuan uretral sing ora bisa digunakake
Product introduction: Kangyuan disposable urethral catheterization kit is specially equipped with silicone foley catheter, so it can also be called “silicone foley catheter kit”. Kit iki digunakake ing operasi klinis rumah sakit, perawatan pasien lan akeh aspects.it duwe ch ...Waca liyane - 1. Definition Artificial nose, also known as heat and moisture exchanger (HME), is a filtration device made of several layers of water-absorbing materials and hydrophilic compounds made of fine mesh gauze, which can simulate the function of the nose to collect and Ngrameke panas lan kelembapan aku ...Waca liyane
- 【Intend panggunaan】 Produk iki digunakake kanggo compations clinical. 【Kinerja struktural】 Produk Produk dumadi saka katukun lan konektor, katukuan digawe saka bahan pvc kelas medis. Reaksi sitotoksik saka produk ora luwih saka kelas 1, lan ora ana sensitasi utawa muc ...Waca liyane
Nyegah masalah sadurunge kedadeyan, produksi aman ora ana masalah sing ora pati penting
Haiyan KANGYUAN Medical Instrument Co, Ltd mesthi dianggep safety lan kualitas minangka prioritas produksi utama. Recently, Kangyuan organized all employees to carry out “fire safety drills” series of activities, mainly including safety fire drills and safety accident case warnin...Waca liyane - Apa piala menstruasi? A menstrual cup is a small, soft, foldable, reusable device made from silicone that collects, rather than absorbs, the menstrual blood when inserted into the vagina. Nduwe akeh kaluwihan: 1. Ngindhari rasa ora sopan: Gunakake tuwung menstruasi sajrone mekar haid ...Waca liyane
3 Cara Silikon Foley Katheter Kanthi Balon Big (Tip Lurus / Tipann Tip)
【Applications】 3 Way Silicone Foley Catheter with Big Balloon is designed for use in medical units for clinical patients for catheterization, bladder irrigation and compressive hemostasis during urological surgery. 【Komponen】 3 Cara Silikone Foley Katheter Kanthi Balon Big Lincon ...Waca liyane - Sichuan ChengDu Ruangan operasi ahli biologi ngidini pasien ambegan maneh lan ngilangi rasa nyeri pasien. Apa anestesiologi ora mung kanggo pasien "turu" luwih penting carane "tangi" kanggo nambah publ ...Waca liyane
Waca liyane
- Ing wolung dina wulan lunar pisanan, mula konstruksi pancen apik banget! Today, all employees of Haiyan Kangyuan Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. have bid farewell to the Spring Festival holiday and officially started construction! Ing dina wiwitan konstruksi, KANGYUAN mikir ...Waca liyane
Sugeng Taun Anyar Cina!
- [Product introduction] Painless silicone foley catheter (commonly known as “sustained release silicone catheter”, referred to as painless catheter) is a patented product developed by Kangyuan with independent intellectual property rights (patent number: 201320058216.4). Nalika Kateter ...Waca liyane
Saluran oropharyngeal sing bisa digunakake
The oropharyngeal airway, also known as the oropharyngeal airway, is a non-tracheal tube non-invasive ventilation tube that can prevent the tongue from falling behind, open the airway quickly, and establish a temporary artificial airway. [Aplikasi] Airway KANGYUAN ORopharyngeal yaiku Suita ...Waca liyane